As electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity, many are starting to realize that public charging doesn’t quite fit the bill for what we need. It's great for long-haul journeys but for everyday usage, nothing beats charging at home. For those living in Apartments, however, getting a charger installed may not be as easy or inexpensive as you would hope and that's where Orange steps in.
Issues with shared parking spaces, little available power, no wall space (more common than most think), monitoring electricity used, and reimbursing the building for that power, the list goes on and there are not many solutions to overcome all of them. Most electric vehicle charging suppliers ask tenants or property managers to foot the bill for an extensive infrastructure overhaul, bringing only a handful of charging stations but costs tens of thousands and does little to future-proof the building for the day when even more EVs are on the road and wanting to charge at home also.
Orange solved this problem by designing a more intelligent and economical solution. One which leverages wireless connectivity, lower power circuits, and uses the existing infrastructure to make our charging stations far more efficient and intelligent, saving thousands of dollars and future-proofing the building in the process. Buildings that work with Orange will know that they are getting the most charging stations for the lowest possible cost.
A Dedicated Charging Solution
Unlike many of our competitors, Orange believes that the only way for EV adoption to truly scale is for everyone to have access to their own charging station. That means having one charger for each electric vehicle in the building. This often is seen as an expensive proposition for every other charging provider, however, at Orange, we leverage the existing building infrastructure and have minimized our overall costs to ensure that installation and maintenance are the lowest costs possible.
Orange’s mission is to make EV ownership affordable and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their living situation. By driving down costs we are not only the most affordable solution but also the most scalable one as well. Allowing buildings that could only afford to install one or two stations the ability to install as many as needed for a fraction of the cost. By doing this Orange allows apartment dwellers access to a dedicated charging station where they can charge their vehicle whenever they want, rather than waiting in a queue until the charging station is available.

Lower Costs, Higher Flexibility
While our charging station by itself is the lowest cost possible ($350 vs. $700+), the biggest savings come from the electrical infrastructure itself. Where many EV charging companies need to use more expensive 6-gauge wire, which can cost upwards of $1.20/ft. Orange can use 12 or 10-gauge wire that typically only costs $0.12/ft. This alone makes our installs nearly 10 times less expensive. Over the course of an entire garage, these savings add up to thousands of dollars.

What these savings do is give apartment owners much-added flexibility in their future EV charging plans. They can choose to simply save the money and put it towards other expenses or they can plan for future charging needs by adding in far more stations than they would have been able to initially. This is important as it becomes clear that once people know they have easy access to in-home charging they typically start making plans to switch to an electric vehicle.
Active Charging, Passive Income
One of the biggest hurdles that many apartment managers face is bringing in new revenue. This is typically done by bringing in new residents or replacing lower-paying residents with ones who can afford to spend more. By offering newer or better amenities apartments can justify a higher rental cost and this is no different with EV charging.
By leveraging Orange, apartment managers create a tenable solution for both the resident and the bottom line. EV drivers will get easy access to dedicated charging at an affordable rate ($12/month + electricity used). Saving them time and giving them convenience by having charging where they want it rather than relying on public charging stations. For apartment owners, they can provide their community with a much-needed amenity, avoid the hassles of tracking usage (Orange Chargers have built-in metering), and get reimbursed for the energy used. Furthermore, because Orange can install for far less, the payback period on a typical install is between four and six years. Compared to competitors where the payback period could be decades. Over those same decades Orange will continue to generate much needed added revenue to the buildings bottom-line.
Example Orange Project Cost Analysis

By leveraging Orange, buildings save thousands on installation costs, offer residents a needed amenity, and even earn back those costs over a short period of time through a new additional revenue source that will continue to earn well into the future.
Reliable EV charger that’s even easier to manage.