EV charging at apartments and condos has never been very profitable. It's why most of our competitors treat multi-family communities as an afterthought and has made finding charging at apartments fairly difficult.
Orange set out to change all that and by making our products the most affordable on the market. We intentionally carved a path to profitability for our customers without gouging EV drivers for the price of energy. We realized allowing property owners a way to make their money back on the charging stations they install is the best way to incentivize them to bring charging on-site.

So how were we able to do this when so many others have failed?
We started by simplifying everything, from our product and install process to our device management and networking. Each process was looked at to see where we can simplify and cut down on overall expenses so we can pass those savings on to our customers and in return they can easily bring charging on-site. We didn’t want to stop there, though, we also sought to turn EV charging from a liability to a revenue-generating profit center. We wanted to build a simple business model that allows properties to earn a small amount on the electricity sold while ensuring EV drivers are still paying an affordable rate.
Learn more about how we do this with our ROI Calculator.
We were able to accomplish that goal and today our products have an average payback time of between five and eight years, something that's completely unheard of in the world of EV charging. In addition to a rapid payback period, we also help our customers achieve an average of 150% ROI over a ten-year period. When properties choose Orange they can rest assured that they’ve not only picked the most affordable solution but they have also made a strong investment in their property that will be able to return real profits to property owners.
When we combine this with the fact that Orange is the most affordable station to install and has essentially no maintenance worries, Orange has shown that not only is EV charging in apartments possible, it can also be affordable and profitable!
Reliable EV charger that’s even easier to manage.